(To navigate, click a link on the shed door)

(email committee members with blue highlight)

President - Neal McNamara
Honorary Life Members - P.Lister
Vice Presidents - D.Macmillan, D.Hobbs, A. Harding
Chairman - Richard Harding
Vice Chairman - vacant

Hon. Secretary - Christine Cawley
Hon. Treasurer - Pat Whetstone
Show Superintendant - vacant
Show Secretary - Clare Wilson
Assistant show sec. - Tim Richardson
Minutes Secretary- Deborah Novotny
Membership Secretary - Jacqui Essen
Publicity Organiser - Jenny Purdon
Sundries Centre Supervisor - Gill Jones
Floral Stewards - Gill Gones & Jacqui Essen
Catering Supervisor - Anne Williamson
Handicrafts & Juniors - Pat Whetstone
Outings Organiser - Heather Hitchcock
Talks Organiser - Wendy Dumbleton
Newsletter Distribution -
Chris Gurr
Raffles Organiser -
Anne Bradshaw
Hon Examiner
- Gordon Marples
Plant Sales Organiser - Jim Stockwell

The society (affiliated with the Royal
Horticultural Society), is based in Lindfield, West Sussex. It was formed in 1945 and currently has over 350 members. We meet about twice a month for talks & presentations, and we have three flower & vegetable shows each year in the Spring, Summer & Autumn. We have three plant sales a year, three coffee mornings and a Christmas social as well as other social events like outings to gardens etc. We have our own garden sundries centre which offers discounted garden supplies to all our members.

The committee.
The committee meets regularly for lively and opinionated debate! We have one vacancy at present for vice chairman so if anyone out there feels they'd like to join in you'd be made most welcome (it's a great village club! - Ed.).



Membership costs from just £6.00 a year.
You can either come along to one of our events & join then,
or click here to download membership form